A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

If you don’t think you’re a storyteller, “read” a wordless picture book-  you’ll be amazed at your storytelling skills!  A toddler flipping through the pages of a wordless picture book will effortlessly begin to create a story.  Open up one of these books, and you will too:

IMG_1058What is it? Tuesday, by David Wiesner

Who is it for? Everyone – especially if you like science fiction

Why should I read it? This is my all-time favorite wordless picture book.  It has mystery, wonder, suspense and humor.  What would happen if one night frogs rose up on their lily pads and started to fly?  It’s easy to see why this one won a Caldecott Medal.

IMG_1061What is it? Journey, by Aaron Becker

Who is it for? Everyone – especially if you feel like being an armchair traveler

Why should I read it? A young girl becomes the hero of her own story.  Journey will make you feel like you’re flying along on the journey with her.  The best part is it has a sequel – Quest

IMG_1057What is it? Chalk, by Bill Thomson

Who is it for? Everyone – especially if you’re stuck inside on a rainy day

Why should I read it? The illustrations in this book are so vivid and detailed they almost look like photographs.  (Thomson used acrylic paint and colored pencils.)  Chalk is filled with both wonder (butterflies magically come to life), and terror (a T-Rex loose on the playground).  The kids in this book have to draw their way out of a problem just like the girl in Journey.

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